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Hargreaves Lansdown

Redesigning the UK’s largest stock market app


Aim: Create an accessible and inclusive trading experience that adapts to the needs of today’s diverse customer base, leveraging Hargreaves Lansdown’s brand reputation, flexible trading abilities, and thought-leadership content.  

Outcome: An app that provides a smooth end-to-end trading experience and provides a tailored experience based on the individuals trading abilities and financial goals.

Consultancy: Monitise Create, London
Role: UX strategy | UX design | UI design



Research activities conducted during the formative Immersion phase:

  • Stakeholder interviews – Establishing key business needs

  • Customer interviews – Exploring trading habits, behaviours and current pain points 

  • Online surveys – Quant quick competitor focussed research

  • Ethnography – Learning about the novice and pro trader environments

  • Heuristic review – Understanding the current app experience limitations and pitfalls

Key insights

As the insights phase progressed clear patterns of customer behaviour and pains crystallised.
Traders were not placing trades through the app and were seeking trade information elsewhere as they lacked trust in the often unstable and unreliable system. Novice traders felt alienated by industry jargon and information irrelevant to their specific Needs.


The visual experience

The existing Hargreaves Lansdown brand felt paired back, outdated and purely functional. We extended the brand language with bolder, complimentary colours for a sleeker, fresher and more contemporary look and feel. We felt that a simplistic flat UI would allow traders to explore all features in a heuristic way, enabling a deep-dive into further information with meaningful interactions and small interface characteristics.  


My engagement ended after the first first concept iteration and my presentation to the key stakeholder team. However, the app was later built and launched in 2016, receiving numerous awards.


Very thorough, insightful work and a
great looking and useful experience.
— Head of Mobile & Digital Projects, Hargreaves Lansdown