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Brewing up a new go-to-market proposition in coffee


Aim: Utilising their experience of finely milling flour used in biscuit production, Kenco was able to make micro-milled coffee. All they now needed was a go-to-market strategy.

Outcome: We leveraged a lean start-up approach of fast, iterative insight work, coupled with visual prototypes of what the end product could look like, learning our way to the answer. 3 weeks later we had a winning concept, a category name and the key features of this new product locked down. We called the category ‘whole-bean instant coffee’. 

Consultancy: ?What If! Innovation, London
Role: Innovation | Creative Strategy | Research



  • Interviewed 15 customers and talked “coffee”, leaning about their emotional drivers and opinions with regards to all things coffee

  • Conceptualised early ideas

  • Facilitated stakeholder workshops at Head Office in Amsterdam, collaboratively designing and gaining further input in the concept development

  • Tested a final round of idea to establish the wining concept



Kenco’s ‘Millicano’ launched in 2011. Within 4 weeks, it had sold nearly a million packs, and became their most successful coffee launch ever. It was responsible for huge incremental growth and pulling in non-instant drinkers and rejectors of instant back into the brand franchise. Mondelez, owner of the Kenco brand, is the biggest player in the super-premium market, which is now worth £57.8m in value terms.